10 Things I Hate About My CRF250L!!

Discussion in 'Videos' started by Matt, Mar 4, 2016.

  1. Matt

    Matt New Member

    I had never really though about it before but it seems to be a popular topic on the youtubes so I figured I would give it a go!

    Here are 10 things I Hate about the CRF250L. I just took a break on a ride and came up with them on the spot but it took a long while to thing of 10 (I think I end up with 11 technically lol) They are all really minor and nitpicky...there is no real hatred at all involved!

    Let me know if you can agree or disagree and what are your 10 things about this bike that you hate?? Could be stock that you changed or a change that you ended up not liking, really no rules! If you make videos, make one! If not, post a list :)

    PS I have lots more CRF vids on my channel, I will start posting them here but check out some of the other vids if you are interested! :)

  2. Alex

    Alex crf250l.org dude

    #1 - not enough time for me to ride it!
  3. Matt

    Matt New Member

    AW MAN! thats a good one!! I should have used that...it IS the #1 thing I hate! lol