[kropotkin thinks...] - Motomutterers Standings post Aragon

Discussion in 'Motorcycling News' started by Newsbot, Sep 1, 2024.

  1. Newsbot

    Newsbot All the news that's fit to excerpt

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    Motomutterers Standings post Aragon
    1. Yud77 - 1409 E.Bas - 228 F.Bag - 276 M.Mar - 229 J.Mar - 299 P.Aco - 148 M.Mar - 229
    2. Kailas - 1409 M.Mar - 229 F.Bag - 276 J.Mar - 299 E.Bas - 228 P.Aco - 148 M.Mar - 229
    3. Elisabeth Rightwrist - 1406 J.Mar - 299 F.Bag - 276 M.Mar - 229 E.Bas - 228 B.Bin - 145 M.Mar - 229
    spongedaddy Sun, 01/Sep/2024 - 20:15