Gonna have to sell my CRF250L =)

Discussion in '2012+ CRF250L General Discussion' started by Vman1313, Jan 27, 2014.

  1. Vman1313

    Vman1313 Member

    So due to "Tomfoolery and Hooliganary" I think I should sell "CrayCray" my CRF250L. HAHAHAHA! No not really but yesterday the temps reached low to mid 50's so I went out for a ride and found myself in places I probably should not be in but having a SUPER BLAST!!!!!! In my defense I didn't see one single KEEP OUT or NO TRESPASSING sign nor did I go around any GATES or anything indicating I should not enter nor did I destroy property nor left black skid marks or anything like that. The things since buying the old dual sport, I ride around looking for every dirt patch, pig trail, or unpaved road I can find. When I got home and started telling my gf where I had been, I began to wonder if some of the places I got into were illegal for me to be in. A few places I entered were a closed down road, an abandoned subdivision (no houses built), and an old logging road plus a few others which I know where OK for me to ride.

    Anybody have experience with entering "unknown" places? Anybody get a ticket or a warning from an authority figure or been kicked out of a place? I definitely will not enter a place with posted signs or a gate or other obvious deterants nor will I go into places tearing up the place but I just wondered peoples thoughts/views on the subject OR am I thinking Ignorance is Above the Law?" :rolleyes:
    Alex likes this.
  2. captain canuck

    captain canuck Member

    Where I live there's a massive technology corporation called Micron and back behind their factories are some great dirt roads to ride on that don't exactly say not to ride on them. Luckily I haven't gotten a ticket for anything yet.
    Vman1313 likes this.
  3. cowboy

    cowboy Member

    The good thing about the CRF is you can be quiet and discreet when you want, go gently and it doesn't make much more of a mark than a mountain bike.
    I do cringe watching some of the stuff on youtube where there's several bikes screaming about as if their ar5e is on fire with dirt flying all ways.
  4. Vman1313

    Vman1313 Member

    I am definitely discreet, as quiet as the CRF250L can be, and not out tearing up others property...I too see others just acting stupid and tearing things up. Guess its a game of chance.